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Dear God, Guides, Cosmic Mothers (Empress, High Priestess, Mother Guan Yin, Lord Ganesha), Goddesses, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Animal spirits, Nature Team of LOVE, Nature Team of Jo Miller LOVES, Archetypes, Owl Wisdom, Healing Modalities, Crystals, Sound, Reiki, Water, Music, Nature, Faerie Essences, my Divinity, my true Self ... please hear and answer my prayers.
My overarching intention is to be a Channel For LOVE.
My intention for Jo Miller Loves
is to hold space, create and manifest beautiful experiences and offerings to support others to self-heal and center their lives around LOVE.
Please support my desires:
to attract aligned clients who are emotionally and financially invested in their own healing.
to support, grow & expand my offerings and messaging via my social media platforms, my newsletter community and my physical geographical community. For my website and name to become a trusted resource for peoples healing journeys
to embody, exemplify and emit the vibrational frequency of Love, Light & Delight, so that those seeking my services and gifts can be aligned & see their own truth in my mirror.
Support my deep desire to express my highest Self creatively through my language, words, & offerings.
support, instill & maintain healthy boundaries between my self and my clients.
Connect, & collaborate with like-minded beings with aligned energy, integrity, fairness, kindness, honesty and intention of LOVE for the greater good of all concerned.
To channel my higher self & communicate clear loving, supportive messages to the higher self of my clients via my intuitive gifts.
To prosper and thrive abundantly in all areas of my life and empower others to do the same for their lives.
Create & publish best selling divination decks
Align my will with divine will
be fully present & inspire others to be present
listen deeply
Be articulate and effective with my language, written and spoken.
expand, deepen and strengthen my intuitive gifts
be my Truest, highest Self
be forever grateful
Create a self-treat Empress studio home so that others can benefit from solitude, creative expression, healing support and the nurturance of quietude and nature.
build dream home for WEBE3 on Lido Island directly overlooking the water.
Own a dream 2nd home in Kauai for WEBE3
be deeply connected & in love with WEBE3
be focused and productive
Have balance in "being & doing"
Be a channel and conduit for manifestation, supported by all of life, opportunity and the Cosmos.
see all beings through eyes of love, light and delight
be incredibly healthy, vital, energized & authentic.
be beauty full from the inside out
Work with the magical healing powers and alchemy of crystals, plant essences, flower essences, gem waters, words and visualization..
Have a healthy and self honoring self Love, Self Care practice incorporating meditation, yoga, strength training, clean diet, swimming, walking, intuitive guidance & ritual of cards, moon, channeling animal spirit & tarot.
This, or something greater, please and thank you
Thank you Thank you, with deep gratitude and LOVE
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