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Moving into or remodeling a home, starting a business venture, or embarking on a brand new life chapter is the perfect time to clear away stagnant or stuck energy, set meaningful intentions that align with how you want your physical environment to feel and support you, and elevate the entire vibration of your space.


Far beyond mere buildings, our home is our sanctuary, the castle in our kingdom. And our creative space is where we manifest ideas and dreams into reality and bring them with the world. It’s important that our environment and the energy within it supports us, delights, nourishes and replenishes us. Whether or not we’re aware, we are all affected by the subtle energy around us. When the energy in your home doesn't flow freely, stagnation and stuckness occurs. Left unchecked; layers of energetic residue built up from previous occupants, trauma, illness, heartache, loss, and toxic relationships can dull and drain your own vital energy and adversely affect your overall wellbeing, as well as unknowingly contribute to negative outcomes.


“Sacred Space” is an energetic reset button for your home or work studio that dispels energetic imbalances to create calm, harmony, and joy you can literally feel, and beholds a beautiful opportunity to invite ritual, celebration, abundance, and joy into your home, your creative expression, your relationships and your life.


Each home and individual’s needs are unique. Allow 1.5 -2 hours for your Sacred Space service, pricing begins at $275 for a small home or creative space and adjusts according to scale and scope.


Please head over to the LETS CONNECT page to share your specific needs and determining logistics before purchasing this offering. This offering is available within Orange County, CA.

"SACRED SPACE" Energy Clearing For Your Home

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