Polishing The LOVE
I’ve come to know that LOVE is available to us in many thousands of forms. Behold the celestial Eastern Goddess of Compassion and Mercy,...

"COSMIC Co-Pilots" - Harnessing Crystal Magic to Elevate your Life
More than just a pretty face, crystals are magically powerful and highly programmable tools that you can harness to support specific...

Cosmic LOVE - Crystal Tending and Programming
Crystals are natural energetic containers and cleansing and tending to them will serve to keep the connection between your personal...

Tiny Miracles
I was coming back from a walk with the dogs when I felt a nudge to stop and look down. At first glance, I feared the baby hummingbird...

Luna Love
The arrival of tonight’s “Pink” Moon in Libra comes with an invitation for us to focus on bringing balance, peace, and harmony to our...

Attracted To The Light
I’ll admit it. I’m drawn to the light. A sucker for the layers, the details, the treasure, For this; is where wonder dwells, Where Angels...

Expect Delight or Expect Delays
Have you ever considered how your “Take On The World”; your perspective, your attitude may actually be influencing your reality? Would...

My Heart Shaped Story
A story about finding the elusive magical puzzle piece that completes the picture of you.