LOVE NOTE from hope

Hope is an energy that resides in the temple of the heart. It is a frequency of persistence and resilience that tethers us to an inner source greater than we can possibly imagine.
When we find ourselves at the mercy of situations beyond our choosing or control, we can reach for hope as a salvation from our despair and sense of helplessness.
Buoyed and fortified by inner tenacity, blind faith and unfathomable optimism, hope becomes an inner glimmer of trust in a season of darkness, a reassuring acceptance for “what is” and the belief that something greater will prevail.
Beyond showing up for what we are responsible for and can contribute to a given situation, hope is the inner omnipresent companion that walks beside us, that we can reach for at any given moment in time. It keeps us company when we wash the dishes. Becomes a devotional intention for our yoga practice. A prayer whispered to the Divine. We can ask others to unite their hope to ours, so it may be uplifted and strengthened by the interpersonal and the widening compassion of community. Through this connection and engagement, hope transcends being a metaphor and becomes a conscious embodiment. A way of being in the world.
We surrender the grip of needing things to work out in accordance with our expectations and focus on the work of pitching hope against life, whilst staying open to the miraculous. Doing all that we can to be a part of the rescue.
Even in our bleakest seasons, there comes a moment when we hear the faint whisper of hope that reminds us, that where we find ourselves is temporary and does not define the truth of who we are. When we continue to connect and attune ourselves with this distant voice, we begin to recognize it as our own deep soul knowing;
that we are but one choice, one opportunity, one kindness, one miracle
away from rising up from our depths to meet ourselves fully once more.
Rx. For Hope
Write out the heart of your current hope onto a small piece of paper then fold it into a sacred prayer, infused with the energy of your optimism and soft surrender.
Keep it somewhere intentional that has significance for you, in a place you dwell in often (eg. on your altar, with a special crystal, tucked under your pillow).
To bolster your faith, you can always ask source for a sign in the physical, then be on the lookout for it. Signs can often arrive in the form of feathers, words, numbers, images, dreams, unforeseen opportunities, or in gifts and generosity that defy coincidence.
Stay present and receptive for both messages and boons, remembering to acknowledge, appreciate and give thanks to all.
“I hold onto hope. And hope holds onto me”.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers - (Emily Dickinson)
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.
And sweetest in the Gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I’ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea
Yet never in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.