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"Something from Nothing" - my end of year manifestation ritual

To manifest is to create something where there was once nothing. A process that begins with an idea or a vision, a desire to usher the “something” into existence, then, backed by a series of inspired actions.


Each year, around this time, I set aside some space to sift and sort through the happenings and learnings of the year, as a practice to mine the gold of what is coming with me and what I’m leaving behind. I find the cosmic energy of these precious “in-between” days and nights that straddle the farewell of one year and the welcome of another, to be ideally set up for any and all forms of reflection and ritual.


This year, I thought I’d share a ritual I’ve been practicing for a while now, that focuses on one particular aspect of my life …namely, my hopes and dreams for Jo Miller Loves. I favor my rituals around practicality and like to anchor them with some physical, tangible helper; be that a crystal, a feather, or in this case …a Christmas tree ornament. 

Years back, when I was renting space to support clients, I dreamed of having my own tiny healing studio that would be literally and metaphorically rooted in the garden of my life. I imagined her to be a vintage camper, chock full of beautiful healing crystals, candles, poetry books and singing bowls. A sanctuary amidst the everyday, where clients could receive deep care and replenish themselves anew. I’d call her “The Empress” as an homage to my own work and transformations around themes of heart healing, the feminine/mother wound and nature as medicine and I imagined her surrounded by sage, roses, birdsong and community.


Around this time, I was gifted a glass ornament; an old-fashioned camper, adorned with tiny lights and topped with a Christmas tree. I knew it was a sign, and when it came time to pack away the decorations for another year, I saved this particular one till last.


On the inside lid of the ornament box, I wrote a message from myself to my future self. Envisioning that by the time I’d be packing away Christmas the following year, “The Empress” would be my reality.


And then …Covid happened. And within a few weeks, my rental studio closed their doors and it would be 18 months before I welcomed another client.


What did happen that year, was my husband met someone who by chance owned an entire parking lot full of vintage campers …with one special one that had my name on it. That year, when I packed away the ornament, “The Empress” was here, shining brightly in the garden and filled with crystals, candles and poetry books. Tiny sage saplings and a bare root rose were planted around her, and a birdbath installed steps away from where I sit writing to you now.


For the next two Christmases, I wrote messages to the following year, filling in the dream with layers and layers of details. And an abundance of healing sessions later, “The Empress” become a solid foundation to build upon. The sage saplings (by now waist-high) became gifted bundles for clients, garden roses and poetry became beloved heart medicine and birdsong was the constant soundtrack of my days.


Another note to my future self, and another year of imagining and showing up has gone by. This year, “The Empress” sessions deepened with gorgeous alchemy crystal sound healing, otherworldly vibrational essences and insightful energy readings. A beloved creative dream project has gathered momentum and future offerings are gaining clarity and taking shape.


With no more box space to write on, this years’ grand vision needs her own (large) sheet of paper. This part of the process always feels the same; a combo platter of excitement, terror, complete unknown and blind faith. Yet, as I read back the previous imaginings scrawled all over this seemingly ordinary cardboard box, I am reminded of the innate desire to create something from nothing, the power of asking for help, of self-belief and the almighty effort of work.


I share this moment with you, because this simple, practical ritual is manifestation at its essence. Most importantly, I’m sharing this because this is a potent time for shimmering, new, important dreams. I’m also sharing some things I’ve learned about the subject along the way. I’d love to hear about your own experiences around manifestation. What rituals help ground you? How do you stay true to your vision when things get challenging? How do you manage your inner imposter, saboteur or naysayer? How do you support yourself along the way? What dream feels like it has your name on it?


Sending this along with big love and gratitude to you, your luminous hearts and gorgeous dreams.


Jo xx


Some thoughts about Manifestation …

An idea remains an idea until the moment we act upon it. Intention without action is akin to caging a wild bird …our vision can only take flight by tending to it with attention and devotion. We have to be prepared to go beyond the bounds of fantasy and breathe life into what already loves us if we want to hold the reality of our vision in our hands.


Manifestation is the work of much preparation meeting up with a moment of opportunity.


Magic happens when we write things down and declare them out loud. Words make for powerful invocations.


You are the magician of your own imagination and conjuring.


When ideas/visions benefit the “us” versus the “I”, we transcend the ego self and expand our potential beyond the personal and into the realm of universal co-creation.


Envisioning your dream in your mind’s eye as though it already exists is key to mapping out the path to its’ actualization; in other words, this is the stage of the process to really imagine it, see it, feel it and claim it (despite your doubt/fear), as though it has already happened.


Remembering that you are both the dream and the dreamer, you’ll want to regularly connect to your idea, summoning all the beautiful details and the feelings that accompany your vision. By dwelling in the arenas of your imagination, your dreams and intuition, you’ll begin to cultivate and strengthen your relationship with the realm of the imaginal; the domain that holds our pure possibility and potential.


Sharing your intentions with the cosmos, asking for guidance, support and blessings from your helpers (not just limited to friends and family, these can be guides, ancestors, spirit, elementals etc.) opens you up to the potential of universal co-creation.


Seeding your future realities can take place literally anywhere and at any time, but the manifestation process also provides a magical invitation to buoy your desires and enrich your life with ceremony and ritual.


Ask for and be on the look-out for signs and synchronicities, then act on them when you sense that intuitive prompting, whilst remaining connected to your vision, trusting in your abilities and universal support.


Uphold your vision with sacred boundaries and intuitive knowing, whilst trusting that you can’t miss what is truly meant for you.


Remember to celebrate your strides. All effort is of value, nothing is ever for nothing. Pay attention to what works, what doesn’t and refine. Honor the cycles of creativity and allow some things to die off to make way for new seeds. Take breaks when you want to quit and keep trusting the dream that lives inside you.


Finally, it’s helpful to surrender attachment to outcome, relinquishing expectations and control. We get out of our own way whilst staying true to our vision, making room for the universe to work’s its’ magic, in tandem with showing up for our own.


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