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Your Sacred “Yes”


A Ritual For the Aries New Moon


You’ll Need

Solo time to get quiet and listen deeply

A Journal/pen

A separate sheet of paper

A candle/matches

Flame-proof bowl/container

Favorite Crystal

Anything else that feels personal/sacred to you (flowers, essential oil, tarot/oracle deck, incense, herb smoke, hot tea etc.)

(optional, flower seeds/bulbs/sapling).

This weekend through March 22nd is ideal timing for this ritual as the days leading up to the Spring Equinox and the New Moon fall on Monday (March 20th) and Tuesday (March 21st) and are the most potent energetically. That said, anytime that works for you and your life is the right time. This new moon is the first of two new moons in Aries …the cardinal fire sign of new beginnings/chapters/cycles, our identity/self-knowledge, forward momentum, initiations, taking action, awakenings and new expressions, which feels especially auspicious. I love to take my rituals outside in nature; but anywhere that feels magical and quiet to you is just perfect.



Light your candle.


Call in the energy of the High Priestess (triple Goddess and keeper of the feminine mysteries and the Moon), along with any other favorite archetypes or guides/helpers, elements, ancestors etc that are meaningful to you.


Place your hand on your heart and intentionally shift your awareness away from the concerns of the external world and your thinking mind and turn inwards, connecting with the inner home and temple of the heart. You can do this via a brief meditation, repeating a mantra, listening to some beautiful soothing music, reading a poem, lighting incense, breathing in a favorite essential oil, or through a simple breath work exercise etc.


Bring to mind a version or an aspect of yourself you desire to become and deeply imagine, envision this “you” that is a few steps ahead of where you currently find yourself.


What does she believe is possible for herself? How does she honor and value her own worth, her time, her gifts, her energy? How does she love herself? How does she love others? What stories has she redefined? What inner work has supported her shifts and transformations? What supports, resources or replenishes her? Who and what is on her team? How does she love to spend her time? What does she feel passionate about? How does she stay in her center, in her truth? What does she want to embody and represent in the world? How does she tend her heart, her healing, her process, her passions, her dreams?