The Sacred Pause
On this eve of a new beginning, the sparkling potential of a brand new year, in the sacred pause between the “farewell” of 2018 & the “welcome” of 2019 … I invite you to join me in taking some time to reflect on all this year has shown you.

Light a candle. Make some tea. Grab your journal, your crystals, your oils, sage, feather, photos, something beautiful, a blanket, or whatever makes YOU feel magical to reflect on all this year has shown you.
What did you start/create this year?
How did you shift/expand?
What new things did you learn about your Self?
What personal truths came through for you?
What did you overcome?
What did you heal?
Where did your curiosity lead you?
What do you want more of?
Less of?
What Gold of 2018 are you taking with you?
What are your leaving behind?
What are you celebration?
And finally, what are you feeling ready to share with the world?
Take a deep bow of gratitude for your awareness, the illuminations, the lessons, & the golden gifts of all this year has delivered to the doorway of your heart.
Count your blessings. Name your resources, your support, your gifts. Start from where you’re at with what you have.
Proceed with the knowing that everything you need is already within.
May 2019 bring you boundless & abundant LOVE, Joy, Peace, Laughter, Health, Prosperity, Friendship, Support, Inspiration, Connection, Fulfillment, & sweet Success in all you desire.